However, he can still be damaged by attacks like any other enemy.
He's also a very successful con-artist, having tricked many individuals out of their souls. The Devil possesses several supernatural powers, such as shape-shifting, casting incantations, and summoning lesser demons to aid him in battle. The Devil's main trait is that he is incredibly prideful of himself, believing he'll always win in the end as he brushes King Dice off when the latter tries to warn him about the brothers becoming stronger. He also lacks empathy towards everyone, including his own minions, as evident by him calling King Dice a 'good-for-nothing lackey' after he has been beaten. He can be a manipulative and deceitful trickster as well, turning Cuphead and Mugman into his slaves despite agreeing to spare them if they hand over all of the soul contracts. Much like the many depictions of Satan, the Devil is a cruel and malevolent being that grants deals to anyone who asks in exchange for their souls and servitude. He has a tail with a pointed end in artworks, but does not have one in the game, and is often smiling. He also appears to be very tall and huge. The Devil has black fur, yellow eyes with red pupils (which are only seen in close-ups), two horns on his head, gray hands and feet and large, pointed ears.